This exploit is going to be nerfed fast if it has not already been done so in the game. It basically makes it so the cleric becomes invincible and can take and solo mob in the game. Those are regular mobs keep in mind, however you can even take some elite mobs easily as well. Here is a step by step guide on how to do the cleric leveling exploit.
– Find a rare planar good vender and not just a npc.
– Purchase the planar essence that will protect you while healing.
– You will need to pay for this item a source shard and some planrite. for a reference look up the gleaming stone seed that you can get in stonefield.
– The greater planar slow will make your heals give a chance to protect a 300 health point healing for over 8 seconds.
– Now use the justicar tree with its ability salvation.
– Salvation will heal you for damage done, it is a cast heal, and it gives you this protection from planar essence.
– In a nut shell while attacking you will get about 2400 healths with this combo.
– This is a giant bug because its not giving you 2400 hp heals since it does 300 by 8 seconds.
– Now here is the best way to exploit this feature in the game.
– Create a soul tree of a shaman 31 justicar 11 druid 0
– The shaman tree will already do a good amount of damage, which is needed for salvation healing to work.
– The shaman also ha sa talent that will increase the healing you receive in the game.
– The justicar will give you an extra 5% damage, the ability to range attack, and the salvation healing and boosts for it.
– The last tree is not needed but helpful for the fearie healing.
– If you want even more you can get the freemarch trinket which will give you even more boosts for using this bug.
SO there you have it. This is pretty much the number 1 invincibility exploit in rift online. Its also giving you a way to easily kill most any pvp player in the game, epic mob, and other mobs. Be sure to keep it a tad underground so it wont be nerfed right away. Also as always this is from which is the number one place for having all this information out there.