Blizzard in a surprise move today banned more than 350,000 players of both diablo 2 and Warcraftcraft 3.
Most all these players where banned for using 3rd party programs not as intended. This will be a great thing for those diablo 2 fans that started hating the fact every game had a RMT spammer or a hammerdin bot. As for warcraft 3 it will be somewhat nice to play the old school battles without someone using a map hack to see where you are. The ban was said to also be permanent so no one can actually dispute it which more than likely means they have a new way to detect players maliciously using software to their advantage.
This might be another way for activision to make more money on players as well some have said since they are going to be needing it since infinity ward is no more. The only silver lining for some cheaters is if they where banned for cheating and this is their first offense then they can play again after waiting 30 days.
Tags: 3rd party programs, activision, bans, blizzard, diablo 2, Diablo 3, hacks, hammerdin, news, warcraft 3