Question: What are the four main classes in rift plans of telara?
I have been thinking about starting to play the new rift game that came out but i was hoping to get some more info on it. The main thing I’m curious about are the four main classes they have. I’m curious what they are and how they interact.
Is it basically a warrior, archer, mage, healer type of system where you are dependent on each class, or is it more spread out where you can pick what you want to do in rift. I know it might be an odd question but I’m pretty curious just because i don’t want to joint he game if its really watered down and doesn’t have much variety to it. I have played other games in the past such as age of conan and found it to be rather bland and mundane to play. So anyways what are the major classes in rift?
Warrior, Rogue, Mage, or Cleric?
Here are the four main classes in rift online and what each one has in its pros and cons.
Rift Warriors – The warriors are the most hand to hang type of combatant in the game. With the warrior you can split this class in multiple sub classes which are champions, reavers, paladins, warlords, paragons, riftblades, void knights, and beastmasters. If you like fighting hand to hand and being a true tank then the warrior class is for you.
Rift Clerics – The clerics are the support class in the game. The sub classes are: purifiers, inquisitors, sentinels, justicars, shamans, wardens, druids, and cabalists. They are best for players that like buffing allies and healing others.
Rift Rogues – The rogue class is the stealthy class in the game. The sub classes are: nightblades, rangers, blade dancers, assassins, riftstalkers, marksmen, saboteurs, and bards. They are best for players that like to be well balanced and have the ability to attack from a distance or in the shadows.
Rift Mages – The mages are the ultimate class in strength but weak when it comes to taking damage. The sub classes are: elementalists, warlocks, pyromancers, stormcallers, archons, necromancers, dominators, and chloromancers. They are best for players that like to deal a lot of damage from afar.
Those are the four main classes in rift with their sub classes. You can determine now what type of class is best for you. Keep in mind rift is by far one of the most balances mmos out there.
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