Rift Defiant Leveling and Gold Cheating Guide
Here is going to be a quick recap of all the major defiant leveling guides and cheats out there, and rift defiant gold guides and cheats that you can currently use. The defiant is one of the 2 sides in rift online you can pick from. The other is the guardians. The defiant you could classify as the horde in world of warcraft and the alliance would be the guardians. Anyways back to what are the major defiant level and gold cheats and guides out there.
Rift Defiant Leveling Guides and Secrets
The first major one is going to be ways to use a secret for artifacts in the game. This used correctly will help you easily level in the game with little to no work on your part. The next leveling guides out there that are major are the true leveling guides that you can find over at taultunleashed here is their rift defiant guide leveling section. Some other big ones for the defiant are ways to use crystals to give you extra boosts most players don’t know about. Ways to help you complete your defiant daily’s faster, and finally ways to use your attributes correctly when it comes to leveling.
Rift Defiant Leveling Cheats and Exploits
The major defiant leveling cheats and exploits in the game that you can use to help you are the following. Ways to exploit rogues to give you full health instantly in the game easily. Bug out your soul specs so you can use multiple soul spec abilities in the game. Defiant spawn spots for mobs that you can kill over and over again to get yourself in game xp very quickly.
Rift Defiant Gold Guides and Secrets
The major gold guide sand secrets for the defiant in rift online are using rifts to drop extra items you can sell in the game. Ways to build your classes far stronger than they should be, and the best quests in the game and how you can complete them for even more in game gold.
Rift Defiant Gold Cheats and Exploit
The major defiant gold cheats and exploits are going to be the following. Get extra rewards for completing rifts in the game. Killing mobs in the fire quest that give you extra gold in the game. Teleport in the game to help you get to spots that you can farm mobs far more easily for extra in game gold. Camping mob spawns that give extra high amounts of in game loot and more.
Anyways those are all the major things out there for the defiant side in rift online. If you want to learn more in depth about any of these then be sure to go check out taultunleashed because they have all this and more on their site.