Free WoW Zygor Guide Review – Scam or Not
So im looking into getting a world of warcraft cataclysm guide and im interested in getting the zygors guide. The app seems pretty neat as it runs int eh game and tells you where to go. Also it allows me to check off quests i have already done, skip ones i dont want to do, and does an auto update for my level. All in all its a good guide but i had some questions about it. First of all all this information is based on the videos i have seen. None of them actually tell me how well the guide works in the game. Does it actually auto update correctly? Is it constantly updated? Will i be able to easily level my toon in only a few weeks from using this? I would like some answers if anyone can help.
Best answer:
Well the zygor strategy guide is pretty in depth. yes it does give you all the things they mentioned. You can easily level your toon and follow an in game guide to help you complete all your tasks right away. However you have other options. Remember that is just one of dozens of guides out there. Also instead of having just one guide why dont you try having thousands of guides. The site taultunleashed has all that and more. They have all the major guides out there including the ones that people dont want you to know about. They have a constantly updated forum for guides as well.
On top of those perks you get some other benefits joining the site. First of all you get access to exclusive bots that can keep you from being banned. Access to hidden cheats in the game that keep your account safe. And on top of all that you get the ability to get access to all their games. You are not confined to just using one game and then being forced to pay if you want more. Now you can view everything for one low price. Its even cheaper thant he zygor guide if you buy it.
My review on the guide is this. Zygor is going to be one of the top guides out there. Its either zygor or dugi if you are going to buy a guide today. The big differences between them is dugi has other guides that you get on top of your purchase. So dugi has an upper hand there, but zygor seems to be a little better for leveling. The zygor client levels faster than other clients and it seems to keep wow from crashing the most.
I do not believe the zygor guide is a scam. My personally review is an 8 out of 10 while taultunleashed i would give an 9 out of 10.
Tags: WoWCC Guide Review
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