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Guild Wars Radars GW Radar
Guild Wars Radars GW Radar

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Guild Wars radar lets you decide when to fight and when to run. Our radar expansion though will open the area which the compass shows and lets you see more than what you could usually. This lets you easily know if there is a rare spawn or not. The radar program is almost undetectable and can be run with ease.


Here is an example of Guild Wars Radar GW Radars Information submitted by our community.  (Note this information is not valid and should be considered nerfed)


There is an exploit currently in game, that allows a player to zone out of beacon's perch into Lornar's pass, then walk around the zone, back into Beacon's perch, but not trigger the zone sequence. This makes it so the player can freely walk around the Beacon's perch town while remaining in Lornar's pass. The reason this becomes an exploit is, players are able to go up on the bridge in Beacon's and attack enemys with a ranged weapon.

Steps to reproduce this exploit:
1. Start in Beacon's Perch, and zone to Lornar's Pass.
2. Turn around and face the zone portal
3. Move to the left most side of the portal, and remain flush with the wall/door as you walk towards it.

Results: You will walk right past the zone portal and into Beacon's.

WARNING: There are spell casters around the bridge area, that can hit you, so bring a heal, and watch out for their AOE spells.

P.S. This info may soon become nerfed, so use it while it lasts.

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