Archive for November, 2014

ArcheAge Exploit – Infinite Apex

Monday, November 24th, 2014

From time to time, various exploits will pop up in ArcheAge. It seems that the game is just riddled with them sometime.

The latest one is a APEX exploit that will let you basically get an infinite numeber of APEX. But you better hurry, if the last APEX exploit is anything to go by, this wont last but a few hours before its closed and fixed.

To read how its done, visit this link: Apex Exploit


Definition of APEX:

APEX is an item that grants Credits when opened. It can be traded between players, or purchased/sold on the ArcheAge Auction House. This allows industrious players to earn Patron status using their in-game currency (gold) while it gives players with less time a way to generate gold.