So there has been a big revelation about aions big anti botting system. Not everyone knew how it worked out what it exactly did. However aion made it possible by accident or not to help you find out if you have been reported, and what level of punishment you are in.
First of all lets explain how the new system works. The best way to describe it can be a translation from the site http://aion.plaync.co.kr/board/update/view?articleID=18&page
1) “Automatic Bot penalty system” has been improved.
– Original: You can only report 1 player every 30 min
– Change: Now you get 10 report points, so you can report up to 10 players using the “Automatic Bot report” function!

1) Every 30 minutes you will get 1 additional report point up to a max of 10.
2) If logged out you will also accumulate report points up to a max of 10.
3) You can view your current status of your report points by using the ‘/신고횟수’ command.
2) In order to further avoid abuse the following restrictions have been added
– Original
1) In order report the same player again you need to wait for 30 mins
2) You cannot use the report function in the 2 major cities
3) Once you have been applied a penalty stage due to accumulating reports, you can’t report other players anymore.
4) You cannot report the enemy race
– Additions
1) You cannot use the report functionality in abyss
2) If you have reported a player, you can’t report the same player again for 30 mins, including:
A) Using a different character on the same account
B) Different account on the same IP
C) Players of the same guild
3) The restrictions when entering a penalty stage have been further increased
1) When entering penalty stage 3, forming parties is not possible anymore
2) If you are in a party when entering stage 3, the party will automatically be disbanded
Automatic Bot Penalty System explained
1) How to use
– Target a player and use the “Bot report” Button from the skills window
– Target a player and enter the ‘/자동사냥신고’ command
2) Depending on how much reports you have received you will enter different stages of penalties
– The penalty stages automatically decrease when you are not reported for a specific amount of time (offline times do not count!)
– If more and more reports are accumulated the penalty stage will increase
Penalty stage
Party / Raid
You can get
Can participate
XP, Abyss Points, mining success rate and probability of obtaining gold -> 30% reduction
XP, Abyss Points, mining success rate and probability of obtaining gold -> 50% reduction
You can’t get
Cannot participate
XP, Abyss Points, mining success rate and probability of obtaining gold -> 100% decrease
You can’t get
Cannot participate
Now lets explain the nice trick you can do in order to help you find out if you have been reported for botting in the game.
– Type /restriction in game.
– Now you will have something that says “status —-” (status it he level you are at)
– Based on the information above you can figure out how deep in the hole you are.
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