Posts Tagged ‘ffxiv dupe’

FFXIV Exploit – Injection and insta levels using WPE and packets

Monday, October 14th, 2013

There is a major leak going around that shows you how you can easily hack the ffxiv database and get easy levels. This involves duping a levequest infinite times for fast levels, gil, and items. It takes a little bit setup and it definately is not for the feint of heart. It will prob get your account banned, but TONS of people are using this FFXIV dupe right now and leveling to 50 in a matter of minutes. For more information, check out the post over at:

Link to FFXIV Dupe over at

Using this hack, you download an app called WPE Pro. You then turn in some levequests and grab the packets needed. Repeat the packets you saved and BAM, the game server keeps giving you the quest reward over and over and over.

There are more hacks coming out every day for this game. Just last week they plugged a hole where you could buy an item from a vendor, change it to gold and sell it back. WOW, simply crazy that their database is so unchecked for ffxiv dupes like this. What is worse, is ffxiv was told about the ffxiv dupe since version 1.0. And here we are in 2.0 ARR a couple of months in, and it was JUST fixed last week.

The above hack where you dupe levelquests wont last long. And again, you will prob get banned for doing so, but many RMT people are making alot of money by selling their billions of gil while the getting is good.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this fine release from the TU Guys!