ArcheAge Blue Salt Brotherhood
You can pick up these quests in Austera, Lutesong Habour, and Caernord.
If you start in Solis Headlands the best way to do the route is:
Solis Headlands (Austera)[To pick up the quests] -> Mahadevi (City of Towers)[Pick up the hellhound leashes] -> Arcum Iris [Raise mount]-> Tigerspine Mountains [Plant 3 flower vases] -> Falcorth Plains [Raise mount]-> RECALL back to Solis Headlands to collect all the quests.
(30+) Five Blue Salt dailies that each provide one Gilda each:
A Rare Perfume
Use 30 Crushed Flowers, Ground Grain, Crushed Spices, or Chopped Produce to create a perfume
Guerrilla Marketing
Available after completing A Rare Perfume
Place a vase in 3 spots in Lilyut
Raising a Wild Elk
Go to Gweonid Forest and raise the elk calf you’re provided
Raising a Wild Horse
Go to Solzreed and raise the faol you’re provided
Roadsend in Danger
Collect 8 barrels of gunpowder near Roadsend in Dewstone

Archeage Priestess of Nui
Four Priestess of Nui quests that provide one Gilda each:
The Goddess of Nui (10-30)
Talk to priestess again
The Hereafter’s Energy (16-30)
Bring a Memory Ink to a Priestess of Nui
Gifts for the Goddess (21-30)
“/flowers” a Priestess of Nui
A Lily Offering (26-30)
Bring a Lily to a Priestess of Nui

Archeage Scarecrow
Crafting Daily:
Hearty Meal, Premium Hearty Meal and Rare Hearty Meal
Each are crafted at the Farmer’s Workstation and turned in to an auctioneer for 1 Gilda Each
Edit: Note that the above require RAW Meat, which are gathered from pens made with 10/20/30k Husbandry, and not typical Duck/Chicken/Goose meat.
Mentor quests for Sharpwind Mines (30+) and Burnt Castle Armory (40+)
3 Gilda each
Repeatable ad infinitum:
Trade runs to Haranya
1 Gilda each
Trade runs to Freedich Isle
3 Gilda each
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