In this video we are going to give you an example of how to become one of the best rushers in sc2. This video is something all great players should watch very carefully as its between considered the 2 best players in the world at starcraft.
The first player is Tyler Wasieleski who goes by the online tag NonY. He is from America and is credited with winning the 2009 brood war tournament by Tyler now goes as the player named Liquid’Tyler and is on one of the top 15 teams in the world at starcraft 2.
The second player is David Kim. He actually is now an employee for blizzard and he works on balancing issues for starcraft 2. He is considered by many to be the worlds best but as always its in dispute based on the player.
The video below is going to show you first of all how many units to build for both protoss and zerg. Also it shows you how to complete a near perfect rush. Watch how quickly nony gets his protoss rush out. Also watch very closely how David Kim makes a secession as to what the best move for the counter rush will be. Its a great video showing how starcraft still plays like a game of chess because of how in depth it is.