This video alone shows you how damage in star wars the old republic mmorpg is going to change versus all other mmos.
This first big thing is how the combat is speed wise. Instead of of the normal game where you go up against someone and you both keep hitting each other and you cast the same spell over and over again you instead will be able to do different things.
First of all characters will actually interact with each other. With most mmos like world of warcraft when you attack someone you are both doing independent actions. So you cast a spell and then if it hits the opponent he does he routine animation. In swtor you will actually interact with that character based on what you do. So for example if you are fighting someone with a light saber and you use yours on him they may clash and sparks will fly out. Also you will have animations going on all around you for when you block enemies. So its not just going to be an animation for blocking the player in front of you. There is a chance you will block opponents from behind and youll have another separate animation.
Another big change is the fact you have a cover system. The cover system allows you to hide from enemy fire by hiding behind a variety of objects in the game. The spot where you where you can take cover is going to be marked by a light green silhouette of your character.
Also star wars the old republic is going to have a much faster fighting style than most mmos. Instead of the routine i attack him up close and he does to. You will be moving around, having different animations happen depending on where you block and hit opponents and more.
Whats best of all is this is just the early build of the game. There is so much more going to happen in games. They are going to take the physics that where on darkfall to a new level. So you will be doing damage based on what you hit and where you hit unlike most mmos that just have a dice roll being played out.
Prepare for one of the best MMOs to be coming out next year. And the current beta is going on right now. The force is with you.