WoW Cataclysm Worgen Dance Real Life Video

April 22nd, 2011

real thing

Have you ever wondered what a worgen dance might look like in real life? No? Well neither have I, but some players for world of warcraft cataclysm have decided that they have found themselves the ultimate tribute to teh worgen class and the worgen mount. In this video which is just called the wow cataclysm worgen dance.

So whether or not you have played world of warcraft cataclysm doesnt matter compared to this video. This is called the worgen dance. Its pretty much one of the funniest things around. Its a dance for players that are a fans of the worgen and they went all out. You can even see a dorky tribute to the worgen mount as they are driving around in their official worgen mount.

Now if you just want to see the official worgen dance in the game world of warcraft well we have it here too. All you have to do is click this link right here that video is a gif of the worgen class doing its unique dance in the game. What are your thoughts on the worgen dance for world of warcraft?

WoW Cataclysm Orgrimmar Auction house bug patch 4.0.3

April 20th, 2011

Here is a pretty big bug with orgrimmar auction house for world of warcraft patch 4.0.3.  This bug basically requires you first of all to have a large mount and that mount needs to be flying mount in the game.  With this bug you first need to fly into the wall.  Near the auction house as shown in the video.  From there you then find a small crack.  Then you keep on trying to summon your mount again.  It will take you a few times to get your mount properly taken out in the game.

If you have done it correctly it will bug you on the other side of the wall.  Then you just need to start trying to move around.  After a few tries it will allow you to actually bug out under the game world.  From there you can start traveling around orgrimmar.  Then when you want just dismount and you will now be able to spawn back above ground in the game.  Its a great feature for players that want to get around the game world easily with this world of warcraft bug for wow cataclysm.  Keep in mind do not use this orgrimmar wow bug in the game around any game world mods as they may ban you or give you at the very least an account suspension for using it.

I hope you have enjoyed this world of warcraft cataclysm exploit in the game.  If you are after any more world of warcraft exploits be sure to come check out taultunleashed as they have always the latest and greatest things for world of warcraft.  From simple world of warcraft exploits to more advanced cataclysm cheats you name and taultunleashed has it.

Rift Bard Guide On Attacks

April 19th, 2011

Rift Bard Attacks GuideWhat are the types of attack rift bards do and is there a guide on these attacks and how palyers are doing them?

Im pretty new to rift and i only played a few differnet classes in the game however i never tried out the rift bard class in the game.  The rift bard reminds me of the old days of playing final fantasy 2 so im pretty interested in playing one.  The one concern i have is i dont know of any guides on the rift bard class and how to use them as bards i have heard can be a pain to use.  Does anyone hav ea guide on the rift bards and the best ways for them to be utilized in the game.  Also does anyone have information on the rift bards class.

Best answer:

Well first of all when you are using a bard you need to know that they are not your average bard like you might of played in previous games.  First fo all the attacks you bard will do are going to be using weapons.  They will not be int eh form of songs.  Now buffs and enhancements used will work on your character and give bonuses to your weapons.  Bards could actually be looked at more in terms of a rogue even though they are called bards.

Bards use spells to either help allies in the battle, or help do things to enemies such as poison and stun in the game.  The bards do have tons of buffs and debuffs, but only a small amount of ways to help.  A big downside to the bard class is they do not do a ton of damage in the game.  Bards are like healers just without really the ability to heal players easily in the game.  If you are looking for a player to help support others you should go with a healer instead of a bard.  However if you love to join in big battles and want to be the player that helps buff your team mates and debuffs the opponents / mobs then a bard is perfect for you.

So in a nut shell bards are not really able to attack with songs but they do buffs and debuffs with them.  Bards are also bad at healing and attack so they are not well rounded for players that want to go out and start killing everything in the game solo.

Rift Online Battleground BG Bot Released

March 14th, 2011

Rift Online Battleground BG Bot ReleasedOn a great note the first major battleground bot for rift online was released today. The bot has all the bells and whistles you could need for a basic rift battleground bot.

Setting up the rift battleground anti afk bot might take a little bit longer than people are use to with bots. That’s because the bot seems to be very new and very rough around the edges. The bot will have you actually take the time to set things up such as movements in the game and so forth. Once you have those all down you can run the bot relatively easily.

Keep in mind though this bot is going to be somewhat easy at being detected so be sure to follow the directions given to help your character look as if they are not botting but actually playing the game legit.

This bot will have multiple updates as well as time goes on so be sure to check it out and start enjoying playing rift all the more.

Rift Defiant Leveling and Gold Cheating Guide

March 11th, 2011

Rift Defiant Leveling and Gold Cheating GuideRift Defiant Leveling and Gold Cheating Guide

Here is going to be a quick recap of all the major defiant leveling guides and cheats out there, and rift defiant gold guides and cheats that you can currently use.  The defiant is one of the 2 sides in rift online you can pick from.  The other is the guardians.  The defiant you could classify as the horde in world of warcraft and the alliance would be the guardians.  Anyways back to what are the major defiant level and gold cheats and guides out there.

Rift Defiant Leveling Guides and Secrets

The first major one is going to be ways to use a secret for artifacts in the game.  This used correctly will help you easily level in the game with little to no work on your part.  The next leveling guides out there that are major are the true leveling guides that you can find over at taultunleashed here is their rift defiant guide leveling section.  Some other big ones for the defiant are ways to use crystals to give you extra boosts most players don’t know about.  Ways to help you complete your defiant daily’s faster, and finally ways to use your attributes correctly when it comes to leveling.

Rift Defiant Leveling Cheats and Exploits

The major defiant leveling cheats and exploits in the game that you can use to help you are the following.  Ways to exploit rogues to give you full health instantly in the game easily.  Bug out your soul specs so you can use multiple soul spec abilities in the game.  Defiant spawn spots for mobs that you can kill over and over again to get yourself in game xp very quickly.

Rift Defiant Gold Guides and Secrets

The major gold guide sand secrets for the defiant in rift online are using rifts to drop extra items you can sell in the game.  Ways to build your classes far stronger than they should be, and the best quests in the game and how you can complete them for even more in game gold.

Rift Defiant Gold Cheats and Exploit

The major defiant gold cheats and exploits are going to be the following.  Get extra rewards for completing rifts in the game.  Killing mobs in the fire quest that give you extra gold in the game.  Teleport in the game to help you get to spots that you can farm mobs far more easily for extra in game gold.  Camping mob spawns that give extra high amounts of in game loot and more.

Anyways those are all the major things out there for the defiant side in rift online.  If you want to learn more in depth about any of these then be sure to go check out taultunleashed because they have all this and more on their site.

Rift Planes of Telara Hacks Security Questions

March 10th, 2011

Rift Planes Of Terra Hack ScamsQuestion by Love RiftRift Planes of Telara Hacks Security Questions
Im interested in hacks for rift online but i know nothing about the hacking community or where to get hacks. Can someone help tell me what are the best hacks for rift online and what each one does in the game. Also what sites should i use and what sites should i avoid for rift hacks.

Best answer:
Well first of lets go through all the major types of rift hacks out there.

– The first major one is going to be a rift speed hack. This hack will allow you to run faster than any player in the game. While it wont let you control how fast you attack as thats server side it can let you run incredibly fast in the game.

– The second is rift teleportation hacks. Rift teleport hacks will allow you to instantly move anywhere in the game. This is done by just selecting the x y and z cords in the game. These cords represent the entire games worlds directions. You can figure out your cords pretty easily then just hit the button to instantly teleport there.

– The third would have to be a rift flying hack. A flying hack basically makes the game thing you are doing a super jump. Then you can control whatever you want while in the air. Its also known as a rift superman hack.

– The fourth would be a rift radar hack. This hack would allow you to see things you should be able to normally in the game. From items off your radar, to players that shouldn’t be visible on your radar. A good radar hack can show everything.

Rift Hack Security

Well when you are using a rift hack you need to figure out what your hack is doing. The majority of hacks out there will inject into the game. This means they are sending information to the game. Such as a speed hack will tell the game that if you are going speed x to increase it to speed x*2. That is a very lamens way of putting it. So when it comes to runes hacks the speed hacks, flying hacks, and teleportation hacks will get you banned. While yes you will be able to use them for a few weeks. Eventually your account WILL BE BANNED> So dont use those hacks at all.

When it comes to a radar hack thats done correctly. Then you are safe. A rift radar hack will just read information the game sends. So lets say rift is sending information saying player A is a few hundred feet away from you but he isnt in radar distance yet because the radar shows only 20 feet. Well then a good radar hack will be a 3rd party program that shows up to 100 feet ahead of you. So then you can now see 5 times farther. Also radars can show invisible players, special items, and more.

Rift Hacking Sites

– Random sites that have hack in the name. These are scams stay away from them.
– Sites that have you download something right away for the hacks. These are scams stay away from them. They probably have a trojan in them.
– Sites that just sell a flying, speed, and teleportation hack. These sites are scams or will get your account banned.

The top two sites out there would have to be the following.

– is pretty great for getting all the latest and greatest rift hacks. They have everything thats out there and you can pick and choose what you want to use. Here is their rift hacks page.

– The next major one would be mmoviper if they decide to release a rift radar hack or rift leveling bot. They have been making bots for over ten years so you know they are some of the best out there. Give them a try.

Rift Leveling Bots and Farming Bots Review

March 9th, 2011

Rift Leveling and Farming Bots Reviews

With rift being out there have been a few people that are after rift online leveling and farming bots for the game.  Right now you mainly have just a few choices and in this article we will go through thema dn help users decide what they do and do not want for thier botting features.

The first is going to Macrogoblin – Macrogoblin rift leveling bot is going to be one of the least favorable bots out there.  Our review of the macro goblin rift farming bot showed that the bot is very basic.  Its basically just a version of autoit that runs.  The creators you can see clearly meant to just rush something out to get the rush of players in the intial riftr gaming phase and had little to no caring for actual in game botting for the game.

The second one is riftlevelbot – This bot is a total scam so be careful.  The bot has zero information in it and once you pay you get a junk bot that does nothing but takes money from you.  Be careful when purchasing this bot because you are going to be loosing money if you end up buying it.  The creator is clearly someone very shaddy that just wants to steal your money.

The third bot in developement is going to be MMOViper – They have by far the most advanced rift bot.  First of all the bot uses all offsets to work unlike the other two up above which are just scams.  The bot also is going to be able to do everything all other mmoviper bots can do.  Which is set mobs to hunt, skills to use, pathst o travel, routes to use, and more.  The bot is by far the best out there however the bot is in beta still and will be fully released to the public shortly.

There is a good rift review of all the leveling bots out there.  Be sure that you pick one that wont get you scammed and will give you the best botting for your pleasure.  Also remember when you decide what rift bot you want to use make sure you check them out for scams and other things that they have done in the past.  Because there is nothing worse than wasting your rift online money on junk.

Rift Gold Dupe Cheat

March 6th, 2011

Rift Gold Dupe Cheat

There is currently a demi gold dupe out in rift online.  This gold dupe allows you to almost instantly amass a ton of gold in the game.  What the gold dupe does is it finds a way so players can with little to no work on their part farm a ton of gold in the game and in the long run be pretty much set.  Well now that we have given you a little introduction lets talk about this gold dupe and how you actually get this rift cheating guide working.

For starters you have to find a specific mob in the game.  Keep in mind we are not going to give you the mobsname because its a secret that only players can learn more about over at taultunleashed for all their rift gold dupes.  Now whats special about this games mob is it does not hav ea normal spawn cycle like most mobs in rift online.  This mob is on whats called an instant spawn.  To see an instant spawn in action you just hav eot kill the mob.  Once the mob is dead he will then auto respawn within a few seconds to let you fight him all over again.

So now the way you exploit these auto spawning mobs is you find ones that drop items that be sold for gold in the game.  This particular mob actually drops an item that sells for around 10 gold in rift online.  So you just keep on killing him over and over again and colleting this item for a ton of in game gold.  However now you can take it even one step farther…

What you do now is set up an auto killing script or bot as many would call it.  With this rift online bot you can set it to contantly kill this one mob onver and over again and then start looting the stuff he drops.  The best time to run this is either when you are in the same room with your comptue rand eating something, or maybe you are sleeping and you have it set up to make a beeping sound whenever someone comes near.

So after you have found the instant spawn mob, made sure he drops something that be sold for gold, and set up a rift macro to run over night.  You should be able to wake up with a ton of rift in game gold and eventually be totally set for having all the rift online gold you can handle with this rift gold dupe.

For more in depth on rift online stuff be sure to come check out

Rift Defiant and Guardian Leveling Guides

February 25th, 2011

Rift Defiant and Guardian Leveling GuidesRift Defiant and Guardian Leveling Guides

Here is one of the worlds top games when it comes to leveling, and you’re going to need to know all the leveling guides and secrets to help you become unstoppable.  Here is some quick tips for leveling your account in rift online.

Do The Low Level Quests

Well its best to start out doing the small quests you are first given of course.  This is good because it will help you familiarize yourself with the game and the way its played.  Then as you get up there in your level using a leveling guide should make things much easier for you.

Try To Group As Many Quests Together As You Can

Rift online has the game set up so you can take multiple quests at once.  Whats nice about this is some quests are actually combined in the places you need to do.  So maybe you have a quest in one area that ahs you find a certain item, but as well there is another quest that wants you to kill a special mob.  If you take all the quests you can at each area you can try to find which ones you can group together to help you level all the faster in the game.

Don’t Waste Your Time On The Harder Quests

It seems with rift online the majority of the games harder quests aren’t worth your time.  While they might give you a better reward and xp in the game it still wont be wroth it.  You can complete 3 easy quests by the time you finish one hard quest and in the long run you would have done the easy quests faster and gotten more xp from completing the easy quests in the game.  So try to avoid the harder quests if you can.

The Best Place For Rift Online Leveling Guides

The best place out there for rift online leveling guides has to be at they have more guides when it comes to leveling in rift online than any other site out there.

Here is a direct link to taultunleashed and another direct link to the rift online guides and cheats section for the site.

Taultunleashed kills the competition because you not only get all their rift online leveling guides but leveling guides to all the major rift online leveling guides.  They even have cheats, bots, hacks, dupes, and more for rift online.  So while you can waste your time with just one simple guide somewhere else.  You can get everything at taultunleashed.

FFXIV Bot – Final Fantasy XIV Bot for Leveling, Hunting, Farming

December 14th, 2010

Tired of the grind? Tired of endless hours and hours of hunting the same mobs over and over until your fingers hurt?

Well look no further. Introducing the worlds first ffxiv bot from MMOViper Bots. This is a all in one hunting, leveling, farming bot for final fantasy 14. It will hunt, patrol, search and destroy all in the area that you define. Make your patrol large, or make it small. You decide where to hunt, and what to kill. This makes it really nice for those zones that have super high level mobs intermixed with the ones your level. This is what separates the ffxiv bot at mmoviper from all of the other ffxiv bots that they may invent in the future. Customization. That is the key.

FFXIV BotsAlso, you can specify what spells to use, when to use them, and how often. Play your class like it was intended, rather than just randomly spamming keys that I have seen in other bots for other games. Need to heal at 50% life, not a problem with this final fantasy xiv bot. What about using all of those fancy spells that require TP? Also included.

It will hunt and fight until it dies. And then guess what happens? It will rez itself, and go back into the fray! That is right, it will rez, wait for the death effects to wear off, and then go right back to hunting.

Finally, there is player detection included in the ff14 bot. If somebody is following you around too long, or hunting in the same area as you are, it will avoid them. And if they keep doing it, it will log out. All customizable of course, if you are hunting in a known highly populated area, you can easily turn off these features and the ffxi bot will happily just keep botting away.

With something like this, you can make literally thousands of gil while you sleep. Level faster, Make money, all while you sleep.ffxiv radar ffxiv bot
As an added bonus, there is a full functional radar included. While this is nice, the real benefits are from being able to find harvesting nodes at a glance, rather than having to keep spamming the find node spell in game. You can see the nodes on screen with the radar running.

So let me recap.

Hunting Bot
Farming Bot
Custom Spells
Custom Patrols
Custom Mobs
Rez Option
Player Detection

The list goes on and on, but why do I need to keep talking about it? Why not just go visit them and check it out for yourself.

Clicky >>> FFXIV BOT<<< Clicky