Archive for July, 2010

WoW Cataclysm Goblin Mage With Tier 10 Gear

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Here is a video of the new cataclysm goblin mage in action. The goblin mage has a full heroic tier 10 gear on. He got this armor from an ICC25 man raid. In the video you can watch the mage go into combat. Use his pack hoblin racial ability’s. Use the Rocket barrage in combat as well. However keep in mind the rocket barrage is currently bugged in the game and it will only do 2 damage. The actually damage of rocket barrage should be much more based on what the tooltip is showing but its still an awesome thing to watch.

Im looking forward to how rocket jump will change pvp in the game. Because basically all it does is shoot you forward so not only is it going to be great for running away during combat. But image the awesome abilities for using it when you want to quickly reach someone to attack. I know other classes have things that are somewhat similar but i guess the goblins give these abilities an extra ump with the twisted animations that follow them.

The goblins are the new world of warcraft horde race that will be playable when cataclysm goes live. They are considered to be on par with the dwarves as some say due to how they use machines to do a majority of their needs. Also they have a very high want of gold so some players consider them to be on par with the ferengi from star trek. Either way they look like an awesome race to play. You get to drive around in a car and you can actually try to run over other NPC characters in the game.

Well anyways check out the video above. It shows you some awesome animations for the goblin, which from my perspective and others is far more fluid than that of the worgen. It might be due to the goblins getting more developer time or just how the worgens morph that they cant get a proper animation for them.

WoW Cataclym Goblin Mage

Easiest way to make aion online kinah

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Easy Aion Online KinahWhat is the easiest way to make aion kinah?
I have been playing aion online awhile now but I’m having a horrible time trying to get in game kinah easily. Does anyone have a solution for the fastest way i can in the game. I have read about different ways such as questing, pvping, bots, cheats, ect ect. But i really want to know the easiesyt way i can in the game. Also some people just say go out and buy kinah but im not sure if i should do that either. Please help me figure out what i should do.

Best answer:
This answer is going to be a long one but im going to tell you the fastest ways you can with and without risks.

First of all if you have little time and have money then id recommend you go out and buy some aion online kinah. Its not to much and there are a lot of sites we don’t have one right away you should go too but you can read about reviews and other things on sites to help you get an opinion as to whats the best move for you getting easy aion online kinah in the game.

The second way that’s going to be the most risky is using aion online bots. Aion kinah farming bots can make you a ton of kinah easily. While they might not make as much if you where playing the game they can run while you are sleeping so they can help you gain kinah easily even when you are not playing. However the risk is that if someone reports you or you are caught by a gm or the software then you will get your account banned the majority of the time.

The third second way to make kinah that still has a risk is using aion cheats. With aion cheats you can use bugs int ehg ame that they did not intend on. For example maybe you found a mob that spawns right away with a good amount of items on it that you can sell for kinah. Or a bugged quest you can do over and over again instantly to give you a ton of aion kinah. There are a bunch of different ways. For example teh site taultunleashed has probably the largest database out there on easily getting in game kinah.

The last way is going to be just using kinah guides. With kinah guides they tell you quests and hunting areas to maximize your in game kinah. So for example instead of using a cheat the guide might show you step by step how to do a high end quest that gives you something that you can sell fo ra ton of kinah or just gives you alot of kinah as a reward for doing it.

Well anyways those are your best ways for kinah now you have decide which method you want to take based on the risks and rewards.

Starcraft 2 Harvest 7,000 Minerals In 30 Seconds

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Here is a fun little video most players might enjoy. Its of a player that acquires so many svcs that he can harvest 7,000 minerals in only 30 seconds. Its actually pretty easy how he did this. Also no he did not actually do this in a game that was legit as that’s nearly impossible to do.

The first method for how he did this was just creating a custom game with one of the starcraft 2 beta hacks for single player games and just built his stats up there. Its not to hard to get a free sc2 beta account going. Just download it from your average torrent site. Then install the game on your computer. Run the hack and you instantly now have the ability to actually play the game. Yes you cant play against people on battle net of course but its still awesome being able to play against the computer and see just how the game is currently working.

The second method might be he is just using the game creator. Starcraft 2 has a built in game creator allowing you to edit a ton of things for the game. You can now create your own game in a variety of formats. From creating a true FPS. To creating the entire diablo 2 game all over again in a higher resolution. You can now do all that and more with the new starcraft 2 editor. He more than likely just edited his config file to have this show up and voila instant sc2 gaming.

Well its nothing special but a really cool feat to watch. Just to think that someones computer can handle that easily and not crash the game, means blizzard really took their time this time around to make sure you can still play this game on almost any system out there. Well get ready because in the next 2 weeks the game is going to arrive for us all to enjoy.

Starcraft 2 Planetary Fortress Rush

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

K here is one of the craziest rushes in starcraft 2. What makes it evil is how easy it is to get off. First of all you of course need to paly as the terran. Then what you need to do is go out and make sure you know where your opponent is. If you opponent is halfway across the map or you arent sure where he is going to spawn then you can pretty much give up on this rush as it will take far to long.

The plan is you start out like any terran player with your svcs but instead of going for a marine rush or something else you work on getting your command center upgraded to the planetary fortress as soon as possible. Once you have that and your barracks built you fly them over to your opponent.

Set them down near him and then let your planetary fortress upgraded command center do all the work. It has an extreme range for attacking mobs and it does a ton of damage. Whats even better that’s not shown in the video is you should start building marines right away in your opponents base and use some of your svcs to start repairing your command center. That way not only will he have to work to kill off your svcs giving your command center more time to attack, but the marines that come in will do that extra bit of damage that might be needed against a professional players.

The key things to worry for with this rush is you just need to be sure you know where they are and how far. I know it was already said once but if you fly to far you will loose because your opponent will get their units too powerful for you to actually kill all of them. Also this hasnt been tested in 2v2 but id assume it could work out pretty well if one player does the command center rush and the other one does a marine rush. Getting your opponent from both sides will pretty much decimate them. Then fighting off one player is normally pretty easy since you can expand and control him pretty easily.

Well be sure to check out here and for more exclusive cheats cheat out taultunleashed for the best hacks cheats and bots for starcraft 2 cheats.

World of Warcraft Private Server Dupe Hack

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Here is an awesome new dupe method you can use.  Keep in mind i posted this for private servers only as it doesn’t seem to work on public servers.  Some people have said its working just fine for them on public servers but I’m not sure so I’m not going to say its working 100% on public servers but you can go and try it out easily.  Well anyways here are the steps for you to use.  Be sure to also watch the video as it shows the dupe being done there as well.

1 – Make sure you have an bind on equip item stored in your backpack.
2 – Go and find a general goods vendor in a town.
3 – Buy from him 1x red ribboned wrapping paper and that’s it.
4 – Move the paper now next to the bind on equip item you currently have.
5 – Right click on the paper then left click on the item.
6 – Your item should now be a gift.
7 – Go to another general goods vendor.
8 – Drag a paper from the vendor to the gift item you have.
9 – If you did this correctly the item will now have a number 2 on it.
10 – Right click on the gift and now it will be an item but it will have the number 2 attached to it meaning you have 2 of them.
11 – You cant just split this item as you normally would so go to a guild bank.
12 – Deposit the item and draw it one at a time from the build back and put the items back in your backpack.
13 – You should now have 2 new items when you originally had one.

Here are some FAQs people asked about this world of warcraft dupe hack. Ill try to answer them all.

Q) Will this work on a retail server
A) It does not seem to but some people have said its working just fine for them.

Q) The general goods vendor im at doesn’t sell that type of paper what should i do?
A) Um go find a vendor that does?

Q) Do i need a guild in order to do this dupe fully?
A) Yes because if you don’t it will bug out and you will loose the item.

Q) What server does this work on?
A) Seems to be working up to the latest version of private servers. You just need to be sure that the vendor sells that paper item and you are fine.

Q) Know any other dupes i can use for world of warcraft?
A) Yea the best site is going to be taultunleashed as it has the most current wotlk and cataclysm dupes hacks and exploits.

Aion Speed Hack For Private and Public Servers

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Aion Online Speed HackWhere Can I Get A Aion Speed Hack For Private and Public Servers
So i keep on seeing people running around the game much faster than me. It took me awhile but after searching the net i found out that people are using something called a speed hack for aion online. I play on both private and public servers so I’m looking for a speed hack that can work on either one of those. Also i was curious on my chances of being banned for using this. I don’t really care about my private server account but im a little iffy on my public server account being banned for using one. So can someone tell me about them and what i should do?

Best answer:
Sure well first of all if you are after a speed hack you are going to need a place to get them. I recommend using taultunleashed. Once you go there then look up the different types of speed hack they have. Also you can always try out cheat engine but its not always working 100% with aion online and its better to have a site like taultunleashed that has fully working and updated aion online speed hacks.

When it comes to speed hacking right now aion does nothing to really detect you for using one. In the past they might of with their own gameguard but they have removed it due to the fact it was blocking way to many people from being able to actually log into the game.

Keep in mind though you can still get banned pretty easily for using a speed hack on a public server by a few ways. The first way which no one is 100% sure of is if aion online is looking for people that are moving faster than certain speed check in the game. Then they just ban your account.

The second major way to get banned if from players actually reporting you for using it. So if you are speed hacking dont have it at some ungodly speed because you are more than likely going to get reported and eventually banned. Have it set to be just a little bit faster than the max most players have. This way no one can be 100% sure if it was you or them lagging as to why you caught up to them in PvP or why you are running faster than most other players. When no one is around feel free to crank it up to travel to new areas asap.

If it was me id still be a little cautious on using a aion online speed hack on a public server but feel free to use them on private servers all you want and enjoy hacking. Also you can always join taultunleashed just by submitting information you know about aion online for a free account.

Give your answer to this question below!

Starcraft 2 Terrans History and Lore Recap

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Starcraft 2 Terran History and Lore RecapWhere you an avid starcraft 1 fan? Are you curious about the lore, rankings, and hierarchy of the entire starcraft 2 world. Are you curious about the whole lore and ranking in starcraft 2. For example are we going to deal with the same people from starcraft 1? Whats going on with the confederacy and the new worlds? What happened to Jim Raynor. Who is the queen of blades and what has happened to her? Well here is what we know with the Terrans.

As for the confederacy they are still going to play a major role in the second game. In the first game the confederacy started out pretty civil to some but they slowly grow way out of control. The confederacy at the end of starcraft 1 and the expansion seemed to be the leader of the Terran society. Many have put them on par with the empire from star wars in how powerful they have become and how a few factions are still fighting them. It seems they are more powerful than ever and probably going to take the role of something along the lines of the umbrella corporation. IE they have become so evil and fixated with power that they will do anything needed to help them take over the entire universe even at the cost of their own peoples lives.

Jim Raynor was a in the first game a ousted commander that at first was helping a rebel group trying to stop the confederacy. However as the game in sc1 continued you found out rebel group he was working for become just as power hungry as the confederacy which made Jim Raynor leave them as well. Now he has his own rebel group trying to not only fight the ever growing power of the confederacy but attempting to fight off the other factions as well that label him a betrayer. With starcraft 2 you will be taking control of Jim Raynor once again and helping him on his mission to save the Terran race. That’s not saying that you might not take control of the confederacy or take on other factions in the game. But we can safely assume that playing as Raynor in starcraft 2 is going to be a big part in the game.

The queen of blades is was actually Sarah Kerrigan. A extra strong Terran psychic that was working for the Terrans to help in their war against the Zerg. She however was eventually captured by the Zerg and turned into a hybrid under the control of the hive mind, and now called the Queen of Blades. What the Zerg wasn’t aware of that when the hive mind was weakened and the Zerg seemed to be breaking into factions Kerrigan took control as the new hive mind queen. We also know the queen of blades is back again. Its not 100% sure if she is going to be in total control of the Zerg or just part of it. More than likely the Zerg has split up into more factions and she is controlling one of the major factions of the Zerg horde. She probably is going to be the major focus of the Zerg through all 3 games and might die in the last one or be taken over by a new Zerg hive mind.

Starcraft 2 HD Video Site Rankings

Monday, July 12th, 2010

So many people have been wondering what the best place is for you to watch HD videos of SC2? Well we are going to give you a nice little recap of all the major video sites and how they compare for watching all your starcraft 2 beta and normal gameplay videos. Because frankly when it comes down to it would you rather watch starcraft 2 normally or watch starcraft 2 in amazing HD?

So the first site is going to be the most popular. That site is youtube. While youtube is the biggest it also has some of the best bandwidth for watching videos. Youtube recently even made the highest possible ability of HD out there which no other site has been able to do. Also whats nice is how quickly you can upload videos to youtube if you create your own. The last thing that gives them a giant perk for starcraft 2 HD videos is they don’t have really any ads you have to deal with which is great. I give them a 8 out of 10 just because sometimes youtube videos lag when its not on their own site.

The next major starcraft 2 HD site is veoh which has a good quality feed. The downside to veoh is it takes forever for videos to start most of the time. I think its due to them having to many things going on in every page for it to load or they have some back end work they need to make their stuff play correctly. I’m going to give them a 7 out of ten due to them having nice graphics.

K next is gametrailers for SC2 HD videos. I am not a fan of them because they always have horrible bandwidth problems. They don’t play very well with all browsers and the audio gets out of sync easily. Also they have a problem with ads and their videos as at times they go over the video. The best way to help the site is with ad block plus and then the site is manageable. They are trying to get far too much money for the videos. I recommend staying away from them. Rating 4 out of 10.

Next is going to be IGN. IGN is pretty good when it comes to playing videos. However they are not updated enough and they are behind a few days for new videos. They would be way up there if they had more o fa selection and updated more but they seem to slack off and jump on the bandwagon a few days later. Rating 5 out of 10.

There are the top 4 sites out there. You have other ones like metacafe but the streaming quality i don’t normally consider to be high enough so i just went with those. So if you are after starcraft 2 videos at least now you have a little be insight as to where you should be watching.

Final Fantasy XIV System Requirements To Play

Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Final Fantasy 14 System RequirementsDoes anyone know what the requirements for FFXIV will be?
I recently say the game and it looks amazing. I have only a 2.8ghz laptop with a build in normal graphics card. My question is will i be able to play it on my laptop? I was able to play final fantasy 11 but im not sure if i meet the final fantasy 14 requirements to play.

Best answer:
Well its not 100% known for sure what the final requirements will be. But i can be pretty sure that you wont be able to play it easily with just that laptop. This is basically in a nutshell going to be the sequel to final fantasy 11 so the odds are against you that its going to require the same amount. The game might play on your laptop but the quality and speed will be very poor.

Id recommend going out and doing 2 things for your laptop. First of all go out and see if you can upgrade to a new graphics card. A lot of laptops out there now have that ability for people to actually find a new graphics card and install it in their laptop easily or they might have to have a specialized do it for them if they are unsure of it. Either way a graphics card might be the biggest thing you can get for your laptop.

The second thing id say you should do is go out and get more ram. You did say what you had but most of the time laptops have only the minimum ram they need. So you’re looking at probably around 1 gig. You might have more but its unlikely. Id say you should go out and get at least 2 gigs 3 gigs if you can as that is normally the max windows 32bit comps can use. Unless you have a 64bit os just use 3 gigs max.

IF you have both of those in your computer you are sure to be able to play final fantasy xiv pretty easily on your new laptop. However you might want to look into buying a desktop as playing on a laptop for a mmo can be power hungry and if you arent at a wall charger your game will end pretty damn quick hah.

Anyways that’s the best bet you have for playing FF14 on your laptop. Any other questions feel free to ask and we can help you figure out other things.

StarCraft 2 Exploit – Zerg with Battlecruisers and Carriers

Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Here is an amazing exploit for starcraft 2 that allows your zerg class to use battle cruisers and carriers. Now some people might say this is game mechanics but there have been arguments that the zerg should not be able to take control of units like this. Basically the cheat is going to have your zerg infestor which has the ability to take over enemy units (mind control), use it on a svc or drone.

Then you just use them to build a nexus or command center. Keep in mind it can be pretty painful using a SVC based on how they always seem to break the mind control and go off to do their own thing. Once you get the command center or nexus built you just go your normal path for building up to get battlecruisers and protoss carriers. Remember that it can take some time but in the video you can see a mothership protecting 4 battle cruisers, 4 carriers, and 4 ultralisks. Its pretty much unstoppable.

Now the arguement to this is you are suppose to do this or is it a bug in the game. Some players have been saying this is intentional just like they had in starcraft 1. However there has been a lot of uproar how players should not be able to actually build enemy structures but merely mind controlling a drone or SVC. What do you think about this?

Is it just the game playing like it should (which is giving the zerg a giant boost for winning with something so easily to do)?

Or is it an exploit in the game that blizzard is yet to patch and should be taken care of asap?

Well we will let you decide but never the less we did include a nice little video for you to watch that shows it in actions and how easy it is to do. Just imagine how great this will be when playing the zerg single player campaign. Also this seems WAY easier than the old method in starcraft 1 where you had to infest an entire building just to take it over that could be a pain to do at times.

Also remember to check out taultunleashed for all your starcraft 2 exploits and hacks in the game. WE have them. You want them. So come and get them. Its a easy to use site, with a userbase of over One million members so that should spec for itself already.